How much weight can you lose on The i Diet?

Quick initial weight loss

The amount of weight you can lose depends in part on your goals. If you just want to lose a quick 5 pounds, simply follow Stage I. If you want to lose up to 15 pounds, move onto Stage II and stay on the plan for the full eight weeks.

Longer-term weight loss

You can keep on the diet longer to lose more weight. We also show you how to design an effective *instinctive* weight loss plan of your own using the foods you like to eat regularly.

Safe weight loss

Remember, plans that promise a faster weight loss than 1-2 pounds per week are bogus or unhealthy. Unless you fast (starve yourself) — which is dangerous — the human body simply can’t lose more than about 2 pounds of fat a week. Any more loss in an extreme diet will be losing muscle and lean tissue, which could hurt your metabolism long-term. With crash diets, the large initial weight loss amounts you find are just water loss due to glycogen depletion, which will come straight back on with the first good meal. In my research studies we have found that the type of diet plan promoted here gives exceptionally high-quality weight loss — nearly 100% fat — which means it does not hurt your metabolism and it is easier to keep it off long-term.

Goodbye, yoyo dieting!

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